SMT / SMD Assembly Equipment. 스텐실 프린터 / 리플로우 솔더링 / 픽앤플레이서 / PCB V커팅기 / 부품계수기 등 장비안내

[Pick and Placer] small desktop pick and placer 281


본 장비는 다 기능. 고정밀도 기능 Lab. Small Multi SMD Assembly을 위한 장비 입니다.  Short tape. Bulk. Solder Dispenser 등 다양한 기능을 선택 사용 할 수 있습니다.   소량 다품종 혹은 학교. 산학연 관련 업종에 효율적으로 사용 할 수 있는 장비 입니다.


장비의 응용을 위하여 Application을 참고하시면 보다 유익한 응용 사례을 활용 할 수 있습니다.


누구나 쉽게 장비 운영을 숙지 가능하며, 원격 유지보수 기능이 있어 장비문제 시 실시간 대응이 가능합니다.  Solder Dispenser을 장착가능하며, Stencil Print 작업 없이 solder paste 정량 토출을 통하여 보다 빠른 능율적 적업을 할 수 있습니다.


 적용범위 :   연구 개발 . 소량 다 - 품종 생산 업체 적합

                      64 종 이하의 부품 작업 .   Smalles chip. Connector.LED 실장 공정 연구 . 개발 . Q.C &학교 기타 작업 공정 .



AUTOTRONIK  281 model is especially designed for small volume batch sizes.

This model features vision processing and head-mounted camera for non-contact “Vision on the Fly” alignment. It assures high-precision placement of a full range of SMDs, from the smallest 0201 devices through CSPs, µBGAs, flip-chips, ultra-fine pitch 0.5mm for QFPs, even odd-form components.


Optional Bottom Vision Camera is used for large components up to 150 x 100 mm and devices with alignment features on their bottom side. With additional Bottom Vision Camera, the alignment of 01005 components is possible.


Optional Feeders and Accessories allow a wide variety of configurations for Full and Partial Reels of Tape, Strips of Cut Tape, Stick/Tube, and IC Tray Packaging.



Flying Vision for components from 0.6 mm x 0.3 mm (0201) to 16 mm x 14 mm.

         ( 01005 chip 실장 0.2 x 0.3mm.  option   )

l Bottom Vision Camera for alignment of 01005, up to 0.5 fine pitch QFP & BGAs (opt). 

l 32 lane feeder bases mount at left and right of system for max capacity of 64 automatic 8 mm tape Feeders.

l Optional feeders and accessories allow a wide variety of onfigurations for full and partial reels of Tape, strips of Cut TapeStick / Tube, and IC Tray Packaging.

Programming via CAD ConversionDirect Input, or Teaching /Fiducial Recognition Camera.

l PC controller, monitor, and keyboard included with Easy-to-Use, Windows® XP-based control software.

l Conversion Optional Solder Paste Dispensing system.



Strong and rigid mechanical design
BA281 using welded steel frame which guaranteed a strong and rigid mechanical design. Preloaded Ball Screws with Servo Motor system provides high Speed, Repeatability and Stability.

Non-contact Linear Encoder System (Option)
By using „Closed Loop“ Servo Motors with non-contact Linear Encoder System, rovide extremely high Repeatability and Stability.

COGNEX® Alignment System "Vision on the Fly"

The BA281 feature COGNEX® vision processing and head-mounted for non-contact „Vision on the Fly” alignment. The machine BA281 assures high-precision placement of the full range of SMDs, from the smallest 0201 devices through CSPs, µBGAs, flip-chips, ultra-fine pitch 0.3mm for QFPs, even odd-form components.

Feeder Rack (FR-32K)

FR-32K is suitable for 32 x 8 mm KFTA Feeders or for 30 x 8 mm IC-Sticks (1x KFTB-2 / 1x KFTB-4).

Bottom Vision Alignment System(Opt)
A Bottom Vision Camera is used for large components up to 150 x 100 mm and devices with alignment features on their bottom side. Due to additional Bottom Vision Camera, the alignment of 01005 components is guaranteed.

Smart Fiducial System
Beside the standard fiducial mark, either square SMD PCB pad or plate-through hole also can be trained as fiducial mark. For more precise placement of fine pitch components, additional Local fiducial recognition is provided.

Universal CAD Conversion

Beside the direct input of data by teach-in camera, an optional CAD conversion program is available for directly transfer of CAD generated pick and place data.

Auto Tape Feeder (KFTA)
The innovative design of KFTA feeder bases and mounting hardware allows almost limitless flexibility in feeder combinations and arrangement schemes, as almost every feeder can be ordered, loaded, programmed and mounted independently. KFTAs are available from 8 mm up to 72 mm tape width.

Universal IC Tube Feeder
KFTB universal tube feeder are using vibration driven technique. It is able to handle IC-Sticks with max.50 mm width.

Cut Strip Tape Holders (Short tape Staion)
Cut Strip Tape Holders is a handy accessory for present-ing components that are supplied in short lenghts of tape due to their low quantity of usage. It can also prevent the waste of components in sections of tape that are too short to be loaded into tape feeders.

Dispenser System
Optional stand alone dispenser head for adhesive & solder paste dispensing. Perfect for quick, small volume production without making stencil. ( 1 Dispenser )

Conveyor System

The already included conveyor system with SMEMA Interface and motor-driven-width-control speeds up the handling of PCB and in-line production.

Buffering Nozzle

The spring buffering design of Nozzle adjust the placement pressure for different heights of components automatically

Vision Inspection
With the built-in software, the camera can automatically move and display the image in the computer screen. User can manually check the printing accuracy of solder paste, quality of the soldering, accuracy of component placement, etc

Remote Service Kit

Optional Remote Service Kit allows a remote access to machine by Internet, so that programming, calibration and service can be done by our worldwide remote service center.


           사진 설명

01005 Chip 실장 가능

기본 Fly Vision


Off line / In line 구성

Under Vision Camera

2개의 티칭 Camera


Auto Nozzle 교환 흑/백 Nozzle . Station

고 해상도 티칭 Camera를 통하여 정밀 실장 가능

정밀도가 우수한 독일의 Autotronik-SMT GmbH 기술

Nozzle 자동 크린 기능으로 보다 정밀한 실장 가능.

Under Vision Camera

Feeder bank 4 면체에 부착 가능


Smart Feeder로 정밀하고 안정적인 SMD 공급



Number of Heads
(Vision on the Fly):

Placement rate:
(under the optimum condition)
3000 CP/H
25 00 CP/H (IPC 9850)

Feeder capacity (8 mm): up to 64 Tape Feeders
IC Tray capacity: up to 3 Waffle Trays
Component Sense: Vision detection

Component Size:

Handled by head camera:
- Smallest: 0.6 x 0.3mm
- Largest: 16 x 14 mm

Handled by fixed Bottom Vision Camera:
- Smallest: 0.4 x 0.2 mm (option)
- Largest: 150 x 100 mm (option)

Resolution: X / Y axis 0.005 mm Servo Motor
Z axis 0.01 mm Servo Motor

0 to 360° (0,09°/step)

Placement Accuracy: +/- 0.05 mm
X-Y Repeatability: +/- 0.01 mm

Placement Area: without Waffle Tray
- Max. 320 x 415 mm

with 1 Waffle Trays
- Max. 320 x 270 mm

Programming: Direct input
Vision teach-in
CAD Access (Option)
Main Control: Industrial PC

Power supply: 100V - 220V
Power: 1200W
Pressure: 75 psi (5.5 bar), 100 L/min
Machine Size: 825 x 1060 x 590mm (L x W x H)
Weight: 165 kg



한개의 Feeder Bank 가 8mm 기준 32개 사용.




1) Feeder.

2) Solder Dispenser.

3) Under Vision.

4) Extra Nozzle

5) Waffle Tray Stasion.

6) Short Feeder unit





AUTOTRONIK 281 model is especially designed for small volume batch sizes.

This model features vision processing and head-mounted camera for non- contact Vision on the Flyalignment. It assures high-precision placement of >a full range of SMDs, from the smallest 0201 devices through CSPs, µBGAs, flip-chips, ultra-fine pitch 0.5mm for QFPs, even odd-form components.


Optional Bottom Vision Camera is used for large components up to 150 x 100 mm and devices with alignment features on their bottom side. With additional Bottom Vision Camera, the alignment of 01005 components is possible.


Wide variety of configuration

Optional Feeders and Accessories allow a wide variety of configurations for Full and Partial Reels of Tape, Strips of Cut Tape, Stick/Tube, and IC Tray Packaging.

Automatic Adjustment Prevents Pick-up Errors

pick & place machines can use vision to calculate the offset of the component tape from the taught pickup position and index the tape feeder forward or backward accordingly. This feature is especially useful when reloading a feeder with a new reel where the alignment of the tape pocket position is slightly off from the position of the previous reel. If pickup errors associated with loose tolerances between components and tape pockets are a problem, this feature can be set to check and index on every pickup for the feeders with the problem tape reels.

Full Range of FeederSizes

Smart tape feeders are available in 8 mm to 72 mm widths with programmable tape index settings from 2 mm to 36 mm. Variable tape index settings, from 16 mm to 26 mm, can also be stored in the smart feeder memory modules. This is particularly useful for 32 mm through 72 mm tape widths when extra component length requires more than the standard 4 mm, 8 mm or 12 mm tape index. Storing these setting in the memory module ensures that the settings will be used for that feeder regardless of where it is loaded—even if it is loaded on a different machine.

Tape Feeder Specifications


Tape Size

Minimum Index Step

Max Tape Thickness

Feeder Base Port Positions Occupied

KFTA-08HS 8 mm 2 mm 3.3 mm 1
KFTA-08 8 mm 4 mm 3.3 mm 1
KFTA-12E 12 mm 4 mm 7.0 mm 2
KFTA-16E 16 mm 4 mm 14.0 mm 2
KFTA-24E 24 mm 4 mm 14 mm 3
KFTA-32E 32 mm 4 mm 14.0 mm 3
KFTA-44E 44 mm 4 mm 14.0 mm 4
KFTA-56E 56 mm 4 mm 14.0 mm 5
KFTA-72E 72 mm 4 mm 14.0 mm 6


Smart Stick Feeders

  • Universal design adjust to virtually any SMD length, width or tube packaging dimensions
  • Available with 10 or 20 lanes
  • Mount directly on MC series smart feeder bases, alongside smart tape feeders
  • Memory modules link feeder lanes to specific component data

Universal Stick Feeders for Flexibility

한번 다른 Model 변환을 하고할 때 사용하면 편리하다.

Smart stick feeders can be positioned directly adjacent to smart tape feeders and, like the tape feeders, are able to communicate with the MC series software via DB-9 interface connectors that plug into the smart feeder base. The memory modules store unique ID numbers that link the individual lanes in the feeder hardware with relevant feeder data, including assigned feeder position, component data, belt indexing increments, and on/off time control settings for the vibratory/gravity feed portion of the feeder.


Max.  Sticks/Tubes

Vibratory Feed Zones

Feeder Base Port 

KFTB-2 10 2 9
KFTB-4 20 4 17

Smart Software

Automatic Component Quantity Tracking

The software also tracks the number of components used, updating each feeder's memory module at the end of the production run with the quantity remaining on the reel (based on the number of pickups). This value, like the feeder ID, is retained with the feeder even after the feeder has been removed from the feeder base. When that feeder is loaded for new—or even a different—production run, the component quantity will be read from the smart feeder back into the assembly program so that an accurate component count can continue.

Feeder Position Verification

When using optimized feeder positionssmart feeder IDs can be verified against feeder position data to ensure that the correct feeders are in the correct connector ports.


Position Scanning for Fast Changeover

When optimized feeder positions are not used, the system can automatically scan the loaded feeders for their IDs and inform the assembly program of each pick-up's feeder location.

Quick-Change Feeder Locations

If the operator, for whatever reason, has to position the smart feeders in a different arrangement on the machine or doesn't want to reposition smart feeders that are used in consecutive production runs, the Change Feeder Location Function can be used to import the new feeder ID data into the pick and place file.

Cut Out Manual Data Entry

An optional bar code reader can make quick work of reading and entering component data, including value, lot code, date code and starting quantity, directly from the reel or other packaging.

Smart feeder management & control software is included with all

Waffle Trays & Cut Strip Holders

Pick and place machines feature large, open work areas that accept a variety of holders for trays and cut tape strips.


TS-1 Tray Holder

IC Tray을 Multi로 여러 부품을 한 Tray에 설정 작업 할 수 있다.

TS-1 tray holder occupies approximately 330 mm x 140 mm of work area and is designed to hold a standard 316 mm x 136 mm JEDEC Matrix Tray or up to two cut strip tape holders. The TS-1 provides adjustability for a wide variety of smaller matrix tray and waffle pack combinations and can easily be modified for custom tray configurations.

CST Cut Strip Tape Holders for Short Lengths

짧은 tape을 작업 할 수 있는 기능으로 10cm Tape등을 작업 할 수 있다.

CST Cut Strip Tape Holders are a handy accessory for presenting components that are supplied in short lengths of tape due to their low quantity of usage or to prevent the waste of components in sections of tape that are too short to be loaded into tape feeders. This photo shows standard holders for 8 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm and 24 mm tapes. Other sizes are available upon special request.

Feeder Configurations

     (Feeder 구성에 따라 다양한 기능으로 장비를 사용 할 수 있다)



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