Special Sale of Germany Reflow System.
Promotion 551.15 reflow System for Asian customers.
About 551.15 reflow
Samsung uses 551.15 reflow oven (at Gumi, Suwon, Vietnam, China factory)
And LG, their cooperative companies and so other famous companies.

Germany SEF GmbH 50th anniversary special sales event.(until November, 2019)
For only Asian customer
NamA Electronic Industry Co.,Ltd. is an Asian exclusive branch of SEF GmbH more than 30 years.
Provide 35% DC price for the event.
Special Service for Vietnam customer.
- Provide Vietnamese/ English / Korean / Chinese training service
- Local maintenance service (Hanoi / Hochimin)
NamA has been SEF's Asian general branch from 1988.
Especially,NamA started to provide SEF's reflow system to Vietnam market from 2002.
We are providing Germany SEF GbmH reflow system to Korean, Japanese, European and American Global companies in Vietnam.
Welcome Vietnam dealer and agency!
Sales support / Installation / Maintenance service 100% support.
Available Vietnamese / English / Chinese / Korean

E. heebko@naver.com or info@namasmt.com
W. www.namaSMT.com